Saturday, November 22

Clemson Escapes Charlotte with a 71-70 win

The OP Stat of the Game: Demontez Stitt, 16 points.

Stitt Happens, But N-Oglesby.

Firstly, tonight's game was ugly. Ugly. Ugly. We lost in terms of FG%, 3P%, Tempo, eFG%, OReb %, DReb%, A/FGM and A/TO. I know Oglesby has unlimited range and has no reins on him when he is shooting; but come one, 2-10? Say it ain't (another hackneyed pun/play-on-on-words) S-Oglesby. Still, it is nice to play in a hostile environment and come out with the win. The Tigers stopped the 49ers runs, avoided fouls when necessary, and hit FT when necessary, and despite the paltry 58.06%, we still won that battle as Charlotte shot 36.84 FT%.

I think most everyone tonight expected the Tigers to have a tough go at it, except of course the 49er fans. This morning they had a "Please do not rush the court if we win" thread on ninernation, in which, the 49er fans discussed how they have a better program, etc.

Tonight, their candor has changed a little- Clemson rivalry needs to continue. Yes, I like it as well Mr. 49er fan. However, the Lutz 'stache is scary and there are plenty of other teams with clean-lipped coaches who would be willing to play us.

Consider this a 'stache-scape.

Go Tigers!

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