Tuesday, November 13

Tigers 91- Paladins 46

Ten highlights from lastnight:
  1. Winning
  2. Seeing the freshman in action
  3. Playing team-ball throughout.
  4. Reaching 1/17th of our win-loss record from the beginning of last year
  5. Sharing the scoring love- even with walk-ons.
  6. Sam Perry attempting to score as a first thought, rather than a desperation thought.
  7. Ponying up for ACC Select and being able to hear Pete Yanity of the air remarks such as, "Wow, that was refreshing- just the bubbly jolt of caffeine I needed." And, [In reference to either a fan or referee, I am not sure], "It was great to see Dick Van Dyke again. Do you think he knows we call him Dick Van Dyke?"
  8. Lurking under the radar, ranked 26th and 28th in the respective polls, publicly.
  9. Reading box scores and hoping to find articles related to Clemson Basketball on the interweb.
  10. Oliver Purnell.
Go Tigers!

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